
Learn from Spider

The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces. 守宮用爪抓牆,卻住在王宮。
(Proverbs 30:28)

Spiders are very small creatures of God, but they are very wise (30:24). Here is the fourth of the small things that provide object lessons for wisdom. Agur will teach you the wisdom of the spider (30:1). Instead of fearing or despising spiders, learn their wisdom.

Are you too proud to learn from this small creature, which you can crush and destroy so easily? “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning” (1:5). Are your hands less capable than a spider’s? Are palaces more closed to you than spiders? Consider it, reader.

Many think spiders are dangerously poisonous or likely to attack at any time. This is not true. The only dangerous spiders in much of the world are the brown recluse spider and the black widow spider. The brown recluse is not common, especially in places of human activity; and the black widow rarely bites, and not without provocation. For the most part, spiders are beneficial, eating insects and other spiders!

Spiders are invertebrates – they do not have a backbone or spinal column. They are also arthropods – they have a skeleton on the outside of their body, and their legs are jointed.

Spiders have two body parts – a head and an abdomen. They have eight eyes in their head; and they have four pairs of legs on their abdomen, which is larger than their head.

Spiders are mostly known for their intricate webs to catch insects. The webs are made of fine silken threads produced by “spinnerets” on their abdomen. The silk is secreted in liquid form, which hardens when exposed to the air. Wipe a web away today, and there will be one there tomorrow! Some species spin parachutes to travel great distances! The ingenious design, pattern, and structure of webs reveal incredible intelligence from God!

Wise Agur, by the inspiration of our Creator, wants you to know two things about spiders. They take hold with their hands (all eight of them), and they are in kings’ palaces. Even though great pains are taken to keep them out of palaces, they are still found there! And from these two observations you may learn a lesson to teach you God’s wisdom for success. Faithful and diligent perseverance in a task, even against much opposition and difficulty, will bring significant reward!

When you have a job to do, use your hands and do it! When it is a repetitious job, keep using your hands. Do not stop! Take the next object in your hand and perform the necessary operation. Do not fold your arms or put your hands in your pockets, like the sluggard (6:10; 19:24; 24:33; 26:15; Eccl 4:5). Use them! See the comments on 19:24.

Men do not assist spiders at all, and they do most everything they can to hinder their work and lives. Spiders are discriminated against constantly, and they have every reason to be discouraged. But they do not complain, sue, or quit! They simply keep taking hold with their hands, and they do not give up because of trouble!

The way a woman uses her hands reveals her character. A virtuous woman’s hands are seldom still, because there are so many things to be done with them (31:13,19-20). You can find these women by their well-dressed children, clean and organized homes, and excellent meals. And good women with diligent hands should be rewarded (31:16,31)!

If you use your hands diligently, you also will end up in kings’ palaces, for kings and great men want diligent persons working for them (22:29). Slack or lazy hands lead to poverty; but diligent hands lead to riches (10:4; 12:14,24; 14:1; 21:25; 26:6; Eccl 10:18).

Can you match the spider today, dear reader? What task do you have before you? Take hold of it! “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might” (Eccl 9:10)!


Chidren Training

Catch Your Children Doing Good Things
by Doug Fields


“The words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush, but the words of the godly save lives.” Proverbs 12:6 (NLT)


You can make an enormous difference in the lives of your kids just by affirming their good qualities and good behavior.

I like to be around people who like me. I’m guessing you do, too. It’s human nature to avoid people who regularly criticize you. If you’re consistently on your kids’ case, they’ll be conditioned to avoid you. You don’t want that.

The words you use to your kids matter. The Bible has a lot to say about the words we speak. Proverbs 12:6 says, “The words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush, but the words of the godly save lives.” (NLT) Your words are life-giving to your kids. They are powerful and memorable.

So how do you use those powerful and memorable words in a way that most effectively affirms your children? Start by going beyond the four A’s that most kids get affirmed for in our culture -- appearance, athletics, academics, and the arts. You and I both know that a person can be a brilliant, artsy, good-looking athlete and be an awful human being. We need to go deeper than that.

Instead, we need to affirm our kids for the character qualities they demonstrate and the appropriate behavior they show. Be specific when you do this.

For example:
“I was really proud of the way you handled that situation.”
“I was amazed at how patient you were with your little brother.”
“I’m so grateful for how kind you were to your mom – and you did that without her even having to ask you!”

No one in the world has as much influence over your kids as you do – not the media, not peers, and not other adults. You can make an enormous difference in the lives of your kids just by affirming their good qualities and good behavior.

You can do this. Catch them in the act of doing great things because they are doing great things. You just need to make a point of catching them when they do.

Extracted from http://profile.purposedriven.com/dailyhope/post.html?contentid=6654



Is it OK to take revenge on your enemy?


Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save thee.
你不要說,我要以惡報惡;要等候耶和華,他必拯救你。 Proverbs 20:22


Is revenge sweet? Your spirit and the world say that it is. But the Lord God of heaven declares it is sin. Who will you believe? Solomon warned his son against this sin (24:28-29). He told him not to even think or speak about repaying evil to anyone. Rather than take things into your own hands regarding your enemies, let the LORD take care of them.

When someone hurts you, the natural response is anger and thoughts of self-defense and revenge. You react immediately, instinctively, and violently. It is due to your depraved heart inherited from Adam. Paul described his own natural instincts this way: “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another” (Titus 3:3).

Mankind loves to fight and war. Rather than overlook offences, you want to repay! Rather than forgive wrongs, you can hold a grudge forever! Paul described your warlike character very graphically, “The poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known” (Rom 3:14-17).

Revenge comes from pride: a humble man does not worry about repaying evil. Revenge is blinding: it can easily lead to horrible crimes, including murder. Solomon’s proverbs are about wisdom, and the blinding rage of revenge perverts your ability to perceive, understand, and judge correctly. It destroys wisdom. And it leads to sinful actions.

The situations at stake are personal offences against you. Offences against God are to be dealt with as the Bible directs: rebellious children are to be punished; sinning church members are to be excluded; violent citizens are to be executed by the king; etc. Personal offences are to be overlooked, and personal enemies are to be loved (Matt 5:38-48). This is the law of Jesus Christ, and it is the highest form of charity and wisdom in the world.

Rather than returning evil for evil, a noble and wise man will return good for evil, thus avoiding the blinding danger of grudges and revenge, calming his enemies with kindness and patience, and glorifying God in a difficult matter (25:21-22; Lev 19:18; Rom 12:17-21; I Thess 5:15; Heb 12:14; Jas 3:16-18; I Pet 3:8-11). Here is wisdom! Learn it today!

You should not even think about revenge, not even in your heart, not even when evil befalls your enemies from other sources! God and Solomon condemned any joy when your enemy falls (24:17-18). Sinful thoughts against another are murder (Matt 5:21-22)!

Who are your enemies today? Are there any that you resent? Are you harboring a grudge or thoughts of revenge against any? Maybe your spouse? Maybe a colleague or boss at work? Maybe a neighbor? Maybe a church member? Confess your sin to God, and look for opportunities to befriend them! Treat them as you want them to treat you, not as they have treated you (Luke 6:27-36). This is true wisdom! This is true Christianity!

Glorious men pass over personal transgressions by others (19:11). They are not moved, especially to anger or revenge, by others’ offences. They are too noble to be disturbed, distracted, or destroyed by such minor and insignificant things. If you cannot gloriously and nobly ignore offences, there is only one other option – God’s way (Matt 18:15-17).

Joseph assigned his brothers’ offences to the sovereignty of God and did them no harm, though he had them in his power (Gen 45:5; 50:20). Abigail kept David from foolish revenge against Nabal (I Sam 25:23-35), and he let Shimei curse, believing God would hear (II Sam 16:5-14). Learn to commit your soul to your faithful Creator (I Pet 4:19).

The best revenge is to leave enemies to God. He is most fair, His judgments most awful. Vengeance is His: He will repay (Deut 32:25; Luke 18:7-8; Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30). David left Saul to the Lord, though he could have killed him. What was the result? Saul fearfully consulted a witch, killed himself, was hung up for display by Philistines, was cremated, had his bones buried under a tree, and his family was cut off from the throne!

Moses was wickedly confronted by his sister and Korah. Rather than punishing these arrogant and profane rebels himself, he left the matter to the LORD. Miriam was sharply rebuked by the Lord, became white with leprosy, and was quarantined outside the camp (Num 12:1-15). What of Korah? He was swallowed alive by the earth (Num 16:1-40)!

Only the Lord can create and sustain a loving and peaceful spirit in a man, so that anger and revenge are only fleeting thoughts of folly. Faith in God is the cure, for He will always take care of His own. Believe it! If you are guilty of vengeful thoughts, confess your wickedness to God, cast yourself upon his mercy begging for strength, pray for your enemies, and seek opportunities to do good to them. This is wisdom and the will of God!


Perception VS Reality

He that is despised, and hath a servant, is better than he that honoureth himself, and lacketh bread.被人輕賤,卻有僕人,強如自尊,缺少食物。Proverbs 12:9

These strange words teach wisdom – your image is worth little. In a world crazy about image over substance, perception over reality, pretense over character, and words over performance, this proverb is very relevant. Concern about what others think is the pride of life. Living godly and comfortably is wisdom and success (Eccl 9:8-10; I Tim 6:6).

Here are two men. The first man is despised by the world, for he does not make the splashy show the world values. He is a simple, hardworking man, who prefers peace and quiet at home to any worldly party or popularity. By hard work he has achieved a modest measure of comfort and success – he has a servant for companionship and labor.

The second man is popular and flashy, always seeking the approval and limelight of the world. He moves in the popular circles in town and presents himself as charming and successful wherever he can. But his image is all show, for he is basically broke, especially if his debts were paid! Thinking work beneath him, he lives for image alone!The simple, honest man is better than the pretentious fool. Solomon saw men living for public image rather than working for the rewards of pleasure and security at home. He saw successful men humbled by God unable to quit their former lifestyle and get a job. He warned against image and encouraged contentment with life’s modest successes.

More people live for image today than ever before. The media constantly exalts image; peer pressure is powerful; easy credit makes it possible to live above your means; and corrupt bankruptcy laws allow these pretenders to start over when debtors claim their assets. It is a powerful temptation parents and pastors must teach and warn against.

True success is working hard, enjoying simple domestic pleasures, and living a contented and godly life (Eccl 9:8-10; I Thess 4:11-12; I Tim 6:6-10). Modest possessions with love, peace, and righteousness are better than even wealth with trouble (15:16-17; 17:1). Wise men ignore what the world thinks; they will not use foolish debt to buy clothes, cars, or houses beyond their means. They choose the lower seat in public life (25:6-7).

Frequent divorces, substance dependency, and dysfunctional lives show the vanity of the “rich and famous.” The lie of image does not pay; it destroys men (I John 2:15-17).

What God thinks of you is far more important than what the world thinks. Jesus, despised and rejected of men, sits at God’s right hand in eternal joy and pleasure (Ps 16:11).



This is a picture of a public toilet in Houston from outside; it's all mirrors.

It's made entirely of one-way glass! No one can see you from the outside, but when you areinside it's like sitting in a clear glass box!
Now, would you... could you....



Tenth floor of a hi-rise building.........


You open the door....


Scroll sloooooooowly.

Would this mess up your mind??? Would you
be able to walk into this bathroom???




Please share with friends who have a sense of humor…

4 Worms in Church

4 Worms in Church

Four worms and a lesson to be learned!!!

A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon.

Four worms were placed into four separate jars.

The first worm was put into a container of alcohol.

The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke.- Dead

The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup.

The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.

At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:

The first worm in alcohol


The second worm in cigarette smoke
- Dead

Third worm in chocolate syrup - Dead


Fourth worm in good clean soil - Alive .

So the Minister asked the congregation -

What did you learn from this demonstration?

Maxine was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said,
'As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!'

That pretty much ended the service!

Pronoun Task 6

Am, is, are