
Character Building 品格的培育

The following personal attributes特質 are what the experts suggest instilling灌輸 in our children. These attributes are the values that we hold to define the meanings of our everyday live. If we have these attributes assigned to our character and actions, we will be able to live a meaningful life. These characteristics include:

- Courage -勇氣
- Peaceability 和睦
- Self-reliance and Potential -自力更生和發揮潛能
- Self-Discipline and Moderation -自律和謙虛
- Fidelity and Chastity -忠信和貞潔
- Loyalty and Fidelity -忠誠和有信用
- Respect -尊重
- Love -愛
- Unselfishness and Sensitivity -無私和靈敏
- Kindness and Friendliness -親切,友善
- Justice and Mercy -正義與憐憫

Personality development is greatly influenced by people around us!
美好品格的培育應由身教開始. 加油呀!


6 Comon Literary Devices文學修辭法

Literary devices or figure of speech are tools that an author uses to help readers visualize what is happening in the story or article. They can also be described as some grammatical and lexical forms that add emphasis and feeling to what we say and write.

Simile 明喻
An indirect relationship where one thing or idea is described as being similar to another. Similes usually contain the words “like” or “as,” but not always. See the example below: 1 Peter 1:24-25 For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."

Where a specific word, phrase, or structure is repeated several times, usually in close proximity, to emphasize a particular idea. An example of the repetition is known as alliteration頭韻(法): Repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of several words in a phrase (Robbie saw rabbits resting by roses.)

The matching of final vowel or consonant sounds in two or more words. The following stanza of "Richard Cory" employs alternate rhyme, with the third line rhyming with the first and the fourth with the second:

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him;
He was a gentleman from sole to crown
Clean favored and imperially slim.

A comparison of two unlike things that suggests a similarity between the two items. (God is love.) Shakespeare often uses light as a metaphor for Juliet; Romeo refers to her as the sun, as “a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear,” and as a solitary dove among crows.

Making an inanimate object or animal act like a person. Wisdom is personified in the Bible. " Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her" (Proverbs 3:13-15).


Hebrews 4:12 Word of God

By using a figure of speech, such as a metaphor, a writer can suggest a wide variety of feeling and assoiciations in very few words. The following Bible verse uses a metaphor to compare the word of God and a double-edged sword.

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

希 伯 來 書 4:12 神 的 道 是 活 潑 的 , 是 有 功 效 的 , 比 一 切 兩 刃 的 劍 更 快 , 甚 至 魂 與 靈 , 骨 節 與 骨 髓 , 都 能 刺 入 、 剖 開 , 連 心 中 的 思 念 和 主 意 都 能 辨 明 。

Read the comments on the bible verse regarding the word (truth) of God revealed in the Bible.

"Living and active"
The word of God is not a dead word or an ineffective word. It has life in it. And because it has life in it, it produces effects. There is something about the Truth, as God has revealed it, that connects it to God as a source of all life and power. God loves his word. He is partial to his word. He honors his word with his presence and power. If you want your teaching or witness to have power and produce effects, stay close to the revealed word of God.

Sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow.
What does this living and effective word do? It pierces. For what purpose? To divide. To divide what? Soul and spirit. What does that mean?
The writer gives an analogy: it's like dividing joints and marrow. Joints are the thick, hard, outer part of the bone. Marrow is the soft, tender, living, inner part of the bone. That is an analogy of "soul and spirit." The word of God is like a sword that is sharp enough to cut right through the outer, hard, tough part of a bone to the inner, soft, living part of the bone. Some swords, less sharp, may strike a bone and glance off and not penetrate. Some swords may penetrate part way through the tough, thick joint of a bone. But a very sharp, powerful double-edged sword (sharp on each side of the point) will penetrate the joint all the way to the marrow.

"Soul and spirit" are like "bone joint and bone marrow." "Soul" is that invisible dimension of our life that we are by nature. "Spirit" is what we are by supernatural rebirth. Jesus said, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6). Without the awakening, creative, regenerating work of the Spirit of God in us we are merely "natural" rather than "spiritual" (1 Corinthians 2:14-15). So the "spirit" is that invisible dimension of our life that we are by the regenerating work of the Spirit.

What then is the point saying that the "word of God" pierces to the "division of soul and spirit"? The point is that it's the word of God that reveals to us our true selves. Are we spiritual or are we natural? Are we born of God and spiritually alive, or are we deceiving ourselves and spiritually dead? Are the "thoughts and intentions of our heart" spiritual thoughts and intentions or only natural thoughts and intentions. Only the "word of God" can "judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart" as Hebrews 4:12 says.

Practically speaking, when we read or hear "the word of God," we sense ourselves pierced. The effect of this piercing is to reveal whether there is spirit or not. Is there marrow and life in our bones? Or are we only a "skeleton" with no living marrow? Is there "spirit," or only "soul"? The word of God pierces deep enough to show us the truth of our thoughts and our motives and our selves.

Give yourselves to this word of God in the Bible. Use it to know yourself and confirm your own spiritual life. If there is life, there will be love and joy and a heart to obey the word. Give yourself to this word so that your words become the word of God for others and reveal to them their own spiritual condition.

Extracted from
By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website: desiringGod.org


Wisdom - James1:5-8

I remember when I was young I learnt and recited the following verses from the Bible. I loved meditating the verses because I thought I was dumb I was not as clever as my classmates. I learnt to trust God that He could grant me wisdom. He would do something in my life. I would receive the blessing that He promises in His Words.

Yes, the key words here are: should ask... will be given; must believe and not doubt; a double-minded man is unstable in all he does. Read the verses. Analyze them as you read. Look for the modal verbs see if you can understand how to use the model verbs: should, will. and must.

Read and enjoy!

"5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does"

5 你 們 中 間 若 有 缺 少 智 慧 的 , 應 當 求 那 厚 賜 與 眾 人 、 也 不 斥 責 人 的 神 , 主 就 必 賜 給 他 。 6 只 要 憑 著 信 心 求 , 一 點 不 疑 惑 ; 因 為 那 疑 惑 的 人 , 就 像 海 中 的 波 浪 , 被 風 吹 動 翻 騰 。 7 這 樣 的 人 不 要 想 從 主 那 裡 得 甚 麼 。 8 心 懷 二 意 的 人 , 在 他 一 切 所 行 的 路 上 都 沒 有 定 見 。

Did God answer my prayer?
Do you think I am a teacher with wisdom?

Join me and pray to God for your wisdom! You will be blessed by His words, too.



Eat Properly

The following paragraphs answer two questions:

1. Is your dinner becoming food for bacteria?
2. What's the best bedtime snack?

Read and see if you would like follow the tips.



Is Your Dinner Becoming Food for Bacteria?

Eating properly can be difficult to most of us. It is not about what you eat but about HOW you eat -- putting our teeth to the purpose they were created for: CHEWING. It's so easy to gulp stuff down, once we've chomped on it a few times. Sure it fits down the throat, but it needs to be a lot smaller if it's going to absorb through the walls of your intestines.

All of our grandmothers used to say, chew your food 32 times. Well, that's good advice. One that people used to ACTUALLY follow when mealtime was a time to connect with other people, enjoy nature and reflect on the day. You know, back when it was a form of relaxing entertainment. Now days, we have "higher" forms of entertainment: laptops, bursting email inboxes, 800 gigabyte Ipods, 500 TV stations and INSTANT downloadable movies.

North America is a Type A Personality continent. We are driven by the need to be highly productive, make more money and get more stuff (even though most of us fail at these three goals miserably). We often ignore our needs. You know the old saying, "We spend the first 50 years of our life making money and losing our health, so we can spend the last 25 years losing our money to get our health back."

Funny thing is... if you look at the 2% of the population that is actually wealthy, they are often quite healthy. They live a much more balanced life than the 98% of the population that's living paycheque to paycheque.

But the point I'm getting at is that you NEED to make time for chewing your food. PLEASE take me seriously on this one. It sounds so simple. But it's very important . You don't have to count 32 times each mouthful. You may want to do that the first mouthful as it may help you slow down.

But you need to chew until you don't feel anything solid in your mouth. You need to break it down by thoroughly mixing it with your saliva. Many of the foods we eat require enzymes in your mouth to start breaking them down. Some doctors even believe that you can only absorb certain nutrients on your tongue. But most importantly, food needs to be small when it hits your stomach. The enzymes and acid in your stomach have only a couple of hours to breakdown the food before it hits the small intestine. If you're sending large chunks down to your stomach, only the outer coating of the food will be diminished.

When these large chunks of food hit your small intestine, they can't be absorbed. Instead they become food for unhealthy bacteria in your colon. These bacteria produce toxins that damage your colon wall and gas that causes bloating and flatulence. These toxins damage the walls of your colon and make it difficult to push food through. Plus, the increased number of bad bacteria weakens the good guys who actually stimulate the pumping movement of your colon.

In short, incompletely chewed food becomes toxic inside your colon. It constipates you. It does not nourish you. So you need to make sure that when you eat, you chew. Chew until it's liquid. You'll probably find that less food will satisfy you (as you'll be absorbing more). You'll also find you enjoy your meals more.

It's sad, but in our society, people almost look upon it as strange if they see you thoroughly chewing your food instead of wolfing it down. Let's face it... anything out of the normal rat-race lifestyle is going to raise an eyebrow. If you eat in a public place, alone, you may want to bring a book or magazine. If people see you reading, they assume that's why it's taking you longer to eat.

If you're eating a meal with others, chewing teaches you to become more of a listener. Most of the time people aren't really hearing what the other is saying. They're just waiting for them to finish so they can say what they want. You'll feel calmer, and attract more true friends, if you can be a listener.

Above and beyond chewing, there are certain foods (when prepared improperly) that are difficult or IMPOSSIBLE to chew properly. You may likely be eating these foods every day, and that is why your constipation, gas and bloating are so bad.

What's the Best Bedtime Snack to Avoid Constipation in the Morning?
(The answer may surprise you, but it'll also help you stay slim.)

Now if you believe the TV commercials, the best bedtime snack for you is a bagel or a bowl of cereal (maybe with some sugar sprinkled on top).

They claim that the carbohydrates make you drowsy and the milk acts as a natural sedative.


Well almost... Yes, the starch will make you drowsy (but the real goal is to sleep DEEPLY). Milk can work as a natural sedative IF you warm it -- most people eat cold cereal (a constipating combination right there).

Seriously, I can think of little benefit to women slicin' n' toastin' a bagel at 9pm at night, coating it with butter and putting it in their mouth. It may make you feel sleepy but it will probably cause your blood sugar levels to crash around 2am disturbing your sleep. Plus, putting a bagel in your stomach before bed means it's either...

  1. Going to stop you from going into a deep sleep because your gut needs to work on digesting it for the next two hours or...

  2. You go into a deep sleep, and leave this half-digested bagel in your gut, fermenting. No wonder you don't feel like breakfast the next morning.

Maybe that's why the Cornflakes(R) started promoting their cereal as the "perfect bedtime snack." Everybody was falling for the bagel strategy and then waking up with no appetite for cereal.

Also, having a starch before bed is going to just make you FAT. You're body is burning almost no calories during your sleep. A typical bagel with butter is loaded with TWENTY PERCENT of a typical women's daily calorie needs. That bagel is going to turn into pure sugar around midnight. Two things happen then...

  1. That sugar rush will wake you up or cause you to toss and turn or...

  2. That sugar will be sent to your liver, turned into fat and then stored on your hips. You'll wake up with more fat than when you went to sleep.

Despite what the media would like you to believe, any dietician or nutritionist can confirm for you that the main thing making North Americans overweight is starch and sugar. It's not oils, butter, nuts and meat. Fat takes up to six hours to absorb, protein 4 hours, allowing your body time to burn off the energy.

Of course, even an excess amount of fat calories will cause weight gain. But sugar, and starch are the real culprits. They simply digest faster than you can burn them. So what to eat as a bedtime snack?


By that I mean, for two hours before you go to bed, don't eat, drink or take in anything but oxygen.

If you're eating properly during the day, you shouldn't require a snack so close to bedtime. Your body is shutting down. Your stomach is closed for the day. If you throw food into it, it's only going to get half-digested and become food for bacteria in your gut.

Keeping the harmful bacteria at bay and healthy bacteria in the forefront is one of the best ways to relieve constipation. This is what happens:

  • You eat a bagel.

  • You go to sleep.

  • Your stomach and intestines shut down.

  • That bagel more or less sits there.

  • Bacteria -- both good and bad -- do not need sleep. They come out for the party. You've just left a major chunk of food. They'll swarm all over it, consuming as much as they can. They'll start reproducing like mad in the process.

And just like us, as they consume so they excrete. And what they excrete are toxins that damage the lining of your colon. These toxins emit gas that compounds the bloated feeling of constipation and makes it difficult for stools to pass. So, you need to make sure your stomach is EMPTY when you take to the covers.

If you absolutely must eat something, have a piece of fruit or 100% fruit juice diluted 50/50 with water. Fruit is probably the better choice because it won't make you get up to pee at 2am. The fibre in fruit also prevents it from spiking your blood sugar like juice will.

But again, you shouldn't really need to be munching on food before bed. If you find you feel you need to, you should determine whether it's more an emotional need than a physical one.

If so, then try replacing food with other, more satisfying emotional comforts. Here are a few examples:

  • A walk around the block.

  • Reading a book, poetry or scripture.

  • Listening to an audio book.

  • Listening to light music.

  • Playing an instrument.

  • Meditation/prayer/chanting.

I don't recommend the TV (or computers). The light from TV stops the natural flow of melatonin, the hormone which triggers sleep. The other reason you may be getting hungry at night is because you are staying up too late. You need to aim to be asleep by 9-10pm. This is when the sun sets near the equator and is the
most natural time for human beings to end their day.

After 10pm your brain starts kicking in with new hormones that wake you up, making you hungry and active. I recommend you have dinner finished by 6pm. Then you can have a light snack at 8pm if you feel like it. A piece of fruit and some nut butter is an ideal combination. It digests easily and will keep your blood sugar regulated during the night.

Another reason you may be feeling the need for a bedtime snack is because your diet is out of whack. Most men and women are eating far too much processed foods, which break down too quickly in the body. They also don't eat enough fruits and vegetables which are loaded with minerals and vitamins that truly nourish you (versus just keeping you going).

In fact, most people in our developed country are lacking vital nutrients in their diet. They are literally starving themselves while eating. No wonder their body keeps on demanding more and more food. It's not so much asking for quantity but quality.

Likewise, as I've already mentioned, proper absorption of food by chewing is essential to feeling fully nourished (and also for avoiding constipation).


I've found the following paragraphs are quite insightful有深刻見解的!
It is about the ways to get a helathy life avoiding constipation!
The article is quite long to read. Read and learn!


Here are the list of causes of constipation:
1. Unchewed food.
2. Lack of pure water and fibre.
3. Medication.
4. Insufficient exercise.
5. Sugary beverages.
6. Eating before bed.
7. Overeating


What is the No1 cause of constipation便秘 in North America?

Can you guess?

It's overeating. Putting too much food in the body at one time. Especially too much high-calorie food高熱量食物. The biggest culprits罪魁禍首 are sugar糖 and starch澱粉, but grease油脂 runs not far behind.

Your intestines just weren't meant to handle a ton of sugar and starch澱粉 and cheap oil. Some doctors will even argue your intestines aren't meant to handle ANY starch at all, and only a
moderate amount of sugar found naturally in whole foods and vegetables.

I find the anti-starch movement a little extremist極端. But if you were to ask me what is better, no starch or too much starch, I'd say no starch (all other things being equal).

Look at how much sugar and flour and rice and pastries 糕點and pastas麵條 most people consume.

I see people order pasta麵糰/食 at a restaurant. That's all. Big plate of starch with some meat or cheese mixed in.

Then, while they wait for their bowl of starch the waiter brings a basket of... BREAD. More starch. Starch to get you ready for the starch that they are boiling. After that's over, for dessert, usually more starch澱粉 is ordered (in the form of a cake, ice cream cone, cookie, pie crust) all coated with sugar (which is basically a simpler form of starch).

And, what's more, most sugar these days does not even come from sugar cane甘蔗 - instead it comes from sweet corn (in the form of corn syrup玉米糖漿).

These types of foods are the easiest for your gastro-intestinal tract's bacteria to consume胃腸道的細菌消費. It causes them to have a bit of a party inside, gorging themselves大吃 and reproducing like an epidemic傳染病.

But, even more plainly, putting too much food into the body is going to clog堵塞it up. You don't need to be a doctor to understand this. You know what happens if you put too much toilet paper in
the toilet or try to pour something in it that shouldn't go down. It gets clogged up.

Look at your hands. Hold them together, palms up as if you were cupping water. That's about how much food you should put into your stomach at one time. And most of what you fill up on should
be fruits and vegetables (not at the same time, of course). And what makes up fruits and vegetables? Water. Yes, water, fibre and vitamins and minerals. What makes up a donut甜甜圈? Starch, sugar and fat.

Your intestines腸子 are designed to assimilate only so much starch, sugar and fat. Your GI胃腸道 tract is really one of the weakest set of organs in the human body. Sadly, it's often the most abused最被濫用.

You should NOT be eating until full, unless you're extremely underweight. You need to leave some room for the gastric juices胃液 in your stomach to mix. You need to give your intestines some
"pumping" space“泵”的空間.

Because our agriculture system is so advanced in North America, food is too easily available. We don't think anything of ordering super-large quantities超大量. In other counties, having a
banana for breakfast is considered a treat. Here we need a banana, plus milk, cereal, coffee and a bagel.

Now I'm not saying you should only have a banana for breakfast. What I am saying is that most of us can easily afford to eat twice as much food as we need.

In fact, the United States, for example, spends less of its disposable income on food than any other nation. It also produces nearly twice as many crops (most of which end up as cattle feed牛飼料 or corn syrup) than the population needs to eat.

No wonder obesity肥胖 has been classified as an epidemic疫疾 by the Surgeon General.

So you need to do whatever you can to curb your appetite抑制食慾.

Here are a few tips to avoid obesity:

  1. Grocery List: Go to the grocery store with a list of what you want to buy. Don't idly move down the aisles seeing what catches your eye. Most of what's in the supermarket is junk food垃圾食品. Just because they call it a frozen "dinner" doesn't mean its any good for you. Go with a list, get what you need and get out of there. Avoid the junk food aisles過道. How do you expect to go down an aisle with over 1000 bags of cookies, Twinkies, donuts, chips, etc. and not get any?
    The only areas of the store you really need to visit are the organic produce section, the butcher's corner, dairy, grains (not boxed cereals) and the bulk food section for nuts, seeds, etc.
  2. Don't Watch TV Commercials: A good deal of TV commercials are devoted to making you eat more food, and more unhealthy food. The food industry realized a long time ago that the best way to make more money was to increase the average transaction size 增加平均購買數量of its
    customers. If you eat twice as much then they make twice as much profit.

    So mute靜音 the TV when commercials come on. Or better yet, tape the show, then fast forward through the commercials (you don't have time for commercials, trust me, life is too short).
  3. Do Something Fun After Each Meal: One of the best ways to break the habit of over-eating is to have something reserved保留 for after your meals that you enjoy doing. Maybe it's reading a book, checking your emails, watching a movie, or playing an instrument, or calling your friend. That way you'll be more excited to get your meal done than hanging around at the dinner table.
  4. Eat Healthier: Often people are hungry because their food lacks so many essential nutrients必需營養素. You're eating but you're not getting any real nourishment真正的營養. Make sure you're taking a multi-vitamin/mineral.
    Try to eat organic foods有機食品as much as possible which were grown in nutrient rich soil. Yes, this is more expensive, but that's the price you pay for REAL food. Most of the genetically-modified轉基因, fast-growing stuff on the shelves has artificially deflated prices. Likewise, eat only grass-fed meat青草餵養肉.


    The fact you're not eliminating toxins消除毒素 (which is exactly what a bowel movement大便 is) means that your entire body is suffering. You may be aware of things such as...

  1. Headaches that just get worse the longer you go without a bowel movement.
  2. Irritability易怒 because you just feel rotten腐爛 inside.
  3. Weight gain that just won't go away, even if you're not eating all that much.
  4. Fatigue疲勞 and lack of enthusiasm 缺乏熱情for life.
  5. Sleepless nights that make you dread害怕 going to work the next day.
  6. Bloating腹脹 and gas that's just outright embarrassing尷尬.
  7. Low libido性慾低.

    You don't want waste廢物 food sitting around in your colon結腸 for more than 24 hours. You want it out of you.

    Most diseases start in the colon. If you don't deal with this today, it's only going to get worse tomorrow. A year will slip by and your situation will be even harder to correct.

    But if you get started now, in a year's time this may all be over.



    One of my patients told me about his neighbours. They are an elderly couple, retired, who both suffer from a host of bodily ills. Of course, they accept these as a product of "aging 衰老."

    Sure, as you get older your body's going to wear down, but is that because of time, or because of exposure to the wrong things?

    When you're born your body is normally in excellent health. A fetus (胎兒) will draw from its mother's body the best of the best of what she has to offer. Once born, the body has to make the best of what it can get.

    Usually, we fuel it up with not only cheap fuel, but the wrong type of fuel. We literally pour foods into our body that are largely incompatible不相容的. The body actually has to take "emergency" action to stop some foods, like corn syrup玉米糖漿, from harming us. The liver肝臟 and pancreas胰臟 need to kick in to stabilize the high rush in blood sugar. The immune system needs to switch to RED ALERT as unhealthy bacteria細菌 feed off undigested sugar particles and multiply.

    So, anyways, my patient saw his elderly neighbour hobbling up the driveway, in obvious pain. He knows that he suffers from joint pain 關節疼痛and stomach problems.

    But in his hand, as he hobbles up the driveway from his car, is a 2L bottle of Coca-Cola which he just made a special trip to the convenience store for.

    Now, this shouldn't diminish your sympathy for him - instead it should increase it. I mean, it's like going to the hardware store and buying a drill bit, so you can go home and make holes in your hand.

    Today, I just wanted to talk briefly about three common beverages飲料 that can cause constipation, bloating腹脹 and an upset stomach:

    1. Pop.
    2. Coffee/tea.
    3. Juice.

    I bet you were surprised to see juice on the list? And, yes, some juice is doubly bad雙重的有害 because it has sugar added. Avoid that type of juice entirely.

    Regular 100% juice is "okay," especially if you've just run around the block at top speed and need to get your blood sugar up. But keep in mind it's basically just a drink of natural
    sugar. It absorbs straight直接 into your bloodstream血液 in less than 30 minutes. If you don't need that type of energy boost加強 it's going to get stored as fat.

    You're probably best getting used to eating fruit instead, and when you do drink juice, dilute稀釋 it 50/50 with water.

    I don't really encourage you to drink any pop. It's basically sugar water with little or no nutritional value and a lot of negative side-effects. You don't need it. Ever.




F7 - Argumentative Essay

Topic: In the past, it was believed that examinations were the only tried and tested form of assessing a student’s knowledge. However, more recently educationists have begun to favor the system of continuous assessment as a more fair and accurate way of assessing a student’s true ability.
Write an editorial for your school newspaper discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, and giving reasons to support your opinions.


Due to the shortcomings of the old examination system, educationalists have introduced the new education system of continuous assessment which is claimed to be able to assess a student’s true ability. People are questioning about the effectiveness of the new system. I am going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two different systems.

In the past, a common way of assessing a student’s knowledge is examination. It is believed to be able to help students concentrate on studies and learn more from books. With the examination, what they need to do is just doing homework and revision. Thus participation in extra-curricular activities would not be encouraged. Students are asked to focus on their schoolwork to make sure that they gain more knowledge and get better grades by the end of their academic years.

The examination system has created a great pressure on students. The once-for-all public examination will determine student’s fate: a further study or a full-stop to study. A bright future is waving its hands to the successful candidates while a despairing outcome is striking the failures. No wonder students are really anxious about their public examination results. We could easily find news that the failed candidates committed suicide because they thought they were hopeless as they had not done well in their examinations. 

The new system emphasizes that fair assessments should be used to evaluate students’ academic performance. In fact, continuous assessments can really help testing one’s true ability. Students may get good results by luck, yet they may not be so lucky all the time. In order to do well in continuous assessments, the essential criteria include both their mental ability and diligent work to prove some consistent results. Only those who perform consistently well with good attitude and knowledge can win the competition.

Nevertheless, no testing system is flawless. The continuous assessment system increases students’ workloads. The continuous system requires students to hand in a lot of project work to be marked. For example, students must do a lot of presentations or projects. Rather than staying home and study, students have to spend extra time completing the assignments with their classmates.

To conclude, I am in favor of the continuous assessment system. Though the old examination system can help students focus on their study, it also creates a lot of unnecessary pressure on students. The once-for-all examination may even result in poor senses of being failures and poorer students become more insecure about their future after the examinations. Continuous assessments give chances to students for making some gradual improvement. Besides, they allow students to further enhance their abilities for future success. You will agree with me that it is important for us not only to get our marks in the assessments but also to work with our strengths or weaknesses.


16 Keys for Good Mental Health

The earth spins on its axis at a precise angle. If that angle is off just a fraction, it would render the earth either too hot or cold to be inhabitable. The number of connections in our mind, between each nerve cell, has been compared to the number of stars in the universe. It is a complex, bio-chemical organ, the most delicate and complex thing known on the universe. In it lies the thought process that governs our emotions, our creativity our hopes, our memories.

At times, a simple adjustment in our lifestyle can do much to keep our mind's bio-chemical balance working in harmony and to help keep our minds balanced. There are many natural activities that effect the chemical makeup of our mind.

There is much that naturally raises the level of certain neurotransmitters in our brains, our seretonin and dopamine level, which are known to play a role in both depression and bi-polar disorder, as well as that of ADHD. There are some 30 different neurotransmitters in our brains, so the mind is a complex organ that defies science to unravel all of its mysteries. By following some of these simple suggestions, it can do much to help our minds to be in balance.

1. Exercise -Studies have shown that regular exercise-brisk walking, as an example, can be more effective in treating depression than medication, both in the treatment of the depression, as well as the recurrence rate.

2. Love -Love has been described as the best medicine. Not everyone has the benefit of having been raised in loving environment. There is a scripture that says, "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving." By using our lives purposefully, for the purpose of helping others, then our life has more value. By giving of ourselves to others, it helps us to be part of the circle of love.

3. Television, movies and video games. Excessive time spent watching television, or other forms of media can have an effect on our mental health. There is much in the way of violence in children's programming. Most movies and cartoons have at least some violence. One study reveals that in 1996, 8 out of 10 Saturday morning children's cartoon characters were violent. The evening news, as well, has elements of violence, and at times, this can effect the emotional balance of some. Some have commented that regularly watching the news contributes to depression.

The rapid fire pace of television and commercials can cause an overload on our senses, our brains and with it the delicate balance of the chemicals that have a role in our emotions. "We can get to the point where we have seen so much violence, that we no longer recognize it as violence," one book on the subject stated.

Many movies are entertaining, but also, stir up emotions to highs and lows, that for some, can contribute to depression or other imbalances in our mood. These can be contributing factors in depression, anxieties, ADHD, OCD and bipolar disorder and for other mental health problems as well.

Some adults are more sensitive emotionally than others and this is true of children as well. For a person with a senstive disposition, or if he or she has been through any sort of trauma in their life either in the present or past, cutting back on media time and intenstiy can be of help.
Focusing on positive things can help also. Try reading to keep up on the news, rather than watching the television news. It is gentler on the mind, and we can be more selective. Try to avoid dwelling on the violent or sensational, make a deliberate choice to focus on the positive.

4. Art can be a natural mood stabilizer for some, as well as contribute to healing of the mind. It can help some to build self-esteem and, like reading, it can be a mind-strengthening exercise.
One man who said that the news depressed him, and decided to do without his TV. Intstead, he cultivated his natural talent in art and produced literally hundreds of works of fine art in a five year period, selling many of them commercially, something he had been doing previously for recreation. Art can have a healing effect on the mind, giving it rest, and help a person to build self-respect, something vital for good mental health.

5. Spirituality and Prayer -There is a physical, biological, genetic side to our lives, to our personalities and our moods. There is also a psychological, emotional and spiritual side of our psyche. All of these come into play in determining both our moods and our mental health. Attention to our spiritual needs is a vital component of our mental well-being. Ignoring those needs or damaging the spiritual and emotional side of our psyche can contribute to symptoms of mental health disorders, especially if the damage is significant. Prayer: Praying for help, praying for a sound and healthy mind, praying for peace in one's mind, can be an effective tool in combating mental health difficulties.

6. Spend time in the outdoors. Try to stay away from canned, prepackaged entertainment and spend time with nature. "Green therapy" can be one effective way to find inner peace, and quiet down our minds, find refreshement and break free from negative or circular thinking.

7. Avoid isolating yourself. Being part of a community, an organization that gives support and meets regularly can do much to help a person get through crises and to help to keep positive. Being part of a community that does good for other people, gives one a sense of sharing and fulfillment, which can contribute to good mental health.

8. Give balanced attention to a healthful diet. A diet high in sugar and fat can contribute to a weak body and a weak mind. Most breakfast cereals are filled with sugar, as are sodas. ice Try to go vegetarian as much as possible and cut out alcohol from your diet. Avoid smoking. Do your best to quit smoking if you are smoking now, it constricts blood vessels in the brain and can have a role in one's mental health. Children need to eat three meals a day. A healthy breakfast daily is essential. Many children who suffer from depression or ADHD might skip breakfast. For some sensitive children, school breakfast of FruitLoops and other sugary cereals, sugary muffins, or Pop-Tarts, which can be a typical school breakfast, along with juice and/or milk, isn't what one would call "brain food". It is quite the opposite. Both schools and parents need to give careful thought to providing children with healthful meals, snacks and breakfasts. It can make a big difference in a child's or teen's mental health. Some children who have been diagnosed with mental disorders, have been noted to skip both breakfast and lunch. It is something that doctors can also take note of before giving recommendations for drugs for children and teens.

9. For persons with mental health difficulties, doing without alcohol, drugs, and high caffeine can be helpful. Alcohol is a depressant and can contribute to both depression and bipolar disorder. For many who have an addictive personality, it is better to do without completely, than to try to "handle it". For the vast majority who have any type of mental health disorder, doing without alcohol as a way of life, is the best course and course of wisdom.

10. Avoid pornography. The sexual stimulation of pornography without a real partner can be pleasurable for the moment, but it also can contribute to an emotional emptiness which can lead to or contribute to symptoms that are evident in depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, as well as other mental health disorders. Also, sexual promiscuity can lead to depression or contribute towards other mental health difficulties. Truly satisfying sexual relations fill both physical and emotional needs, that is our sex partner should also be a life-partner who is there to support and show love the next day and the next year as well.

11. Try to find activities that build self-esteem. Learn to play a musical instrument such as the piano or violin. Stick with it. This is especially helpful for children. One 13-year-old with ADHD said that playing the piano helped her to develop self-esteem at a time when she had no friends. Art also builds self-esteem in a similar way. Children, teens, and even adults benefit from art. Art can be helpful in overcoming addictions, in calming the mind naturally, and in building self-esteem. When one sees a work of art that they have created, it helps them to realize and is a constant reminder that they have worth. There are many ways that self-esteem develop, and it is an important part of healing. Those who are families of persons with mental health disorders need to remember to show approval of the child, teen or adult who has a mental health disorder, in other words keep a positive attitude and don't give up. Don't berate, ridicule. This contributes to low self-esteem which can perpetuate feelings of self-loathing. This is true for those with a tendency towards eating disorders as well. Show love and approval to children and teens especially.

12. Sharpen the Saw: There are many ways we can sharpen the saw. Reading the Bible every day is one way to regain our strength. It can help to calm the mind. It helps one to feel at peace and can be a strengthening aid and anchor if one is going through crises or has mental health disorders. Give attention to spiritual needs on a daily basis. Spending time outdoors helps with both depression, bipolar disorder and ADHD, as well as really, all mental health disorders. It has been dubbed "Green Therapy," as effective in many cases as are medicines, with no side effects. Wise persons "sharpen the saw".

13. Try to keep an active mind through reading. Reading can be a mentally strengthening activity, especially if we focus on positive and upbuilding material. Subscribe to some positive magazines, picture magazines, or subscribe to these for your children.

14. Purpose in life and work: Have an active role in helping children, the elderly, handicapped, underprivileged persons or others. Volunteer part of your time for a worthy purpose. By take time to help others in a genuine loving way, it helps to develop positive qualities and give our life meaning and purpose. Finding secular work in teaching, in a day care center or in volunteering with needy children is something that can help us to give and to take our mind off of ourselves and whatever problems we might have. It can also be of value in avoiding isolation and integrating with other people. In line with this, sometimes a change of jobs can help to overcome mental health battles, something that has more of a direct connection in helping people.

15. Music. Try to listen to mellow music. Much music is supercharged, electric and throbbing. The constant mental stimulation can result in mental overload. Much alternative music can be depressing or elicit feelings of emptiness. Rock and roll, heavy metal, and other "heavy" sounds, can send our minds to highs and lows, which can effect the chemical balance of our minds.
Developing a taste for lighter music, gentler and more diversified sounds, as well as keeping watch on the amount of time we spend with music that is intense, can help us to keep a positive flow of emotions uninterrupted in our minds. Avoid the depression, try to keep it positive. This is especially true if we are the kind of person who "lives" every note. Some might listen to music passively, others get emotionally involved. These are the types of persons who need to consider changes and adaptions in musical habits, if they are suffering with mental health disorders.

16. Get organized, avoid procrastination, get help in keeping one's home and possessions clean. Get rid of clutter. If its been there for more than a year, it probably isn't necessary. Getting on top of one's bills and financial life also is of help. Sometimes professional services can be of help in this area.


Poem - Weird Wolf

A wolf wet the wild wheat and white weeds.
Did the wolf wet the wild wheat and white weeds?
Wow! It's weird to see the wolf wet the wild wheat and white weeds.
Woooow! It's weird, weird, weird and wildly weird!


Holistic Approach of Learning 宏觀的學習方法

You have been encouraged to do some concentration exercises. I'd like to stress that these exercises are not meant to be used as tools for excessive learning. They will do more harm than good to you if you push yourself too harsh. What I think will most likely benefit you is by adopting a holistic approach of learning 宏觀的學習方法in line with exercising your concentration power.

Read the following article and learn how the holistic learning can help you better. I have the translated version at the end of the text. Read and answer the questions!

Best Wishes


Holistic Learning

Smart people don’t just learn better. They learn differently. While many students get caught up in memorizing facts, intelligent learners know to seek the bigger picture and connect the facts together. This form of learning I call holistic learning.

Holistic learning is basically the opposite of rote memorization. Instead of reciting lists of facts, rules or formulas, you seek to connect ideas together. Instead of having separate boxes in your head for geometry, algebra or ancient India, you deliberately link facts together, so they form a bigger picture.

Excessive studying shows you aren’t learning holistically. It shows that you didn’t learn the material the first time. If you properly link ideas together to see the bigger picture, studying should only be a brief refresher.

How to Boost Your Study Habits

Holistic learning isn’t like a brainstorming technique or mind-mapping. It is fundamentally changing how you look at the process of learning and how you absorb information. As such, there isn’t an easy ten step program to master it.

There are some tools that can help you shift your learning habits so they become more holistic:

Visceralize 感官和動作集中學習- You’ve probably heard of visualizing, right? Visceralizing means taking all of your senses and connecting it to information. Studies have shown that people remember more vividly information that comes to us in an emotionally aroused state. Linking feelings, senses and imagery to bland ideas makes them more real. You probably counted on your fingers when learning numbers, why can’t you do the same when you are learning now?

Metaphor隱喻 - The heart of holistic learning is relating things together. Metaphors are literary devices that link two things that normally don’t go together. Come up with metaphors to describe more complicated ideas in simpler terms.

Ten-Year-Old Rule十歲法則 - Explain ideas to yourself as you would to a ten year old. Sure, this isn’t always possible in your last years of a medical degree or learning how to apply neural networks to computer AI. But the idea is that you should be able to “dumb down” an idea enough so it seems obvious to yourself.

Trace Back 引用 - Put away your books and start with a random fact or concept. Then relate that idea to another concept in your subject. Keep doing this tracing pattern until you’ve linked many ideas together. The Gupta Dynasty reminds you of ancient Greece which reminds you of Socrates, reminding you of Confucius…

Refresher Scan 快速復習 - Scan through information in your text book. Notice whenever you encounter information that you either don’t remember or weren’t 100% sure about. Quickly link that information back to existing ideas through viscerlization and metaphor. If your refresher scan is turning up more than a few points per chapter, you haven’t learned it thoroughly enough.

Compress Information壓縮信息 - Not all information works well for holistic learning. A common point cited to me is learning anatomy for first year medical students. Anatomy involves learning arbitrary Latin names for hundreds of different elements of your body. There often aren’t clear patterns and constructs, just a dry list of facts. When encountering information such as this, your goal should be to compress it. Find ways to group information into smaller chunks of memory through pictures or mnemonics.

Write寫下有關聯想 - Take a piece of paper and write out the connections in the information. Reorganize the information into different patterns. The key here is the writing, not the final product. So don’t waste your time making a pretty picture. Scribble and use abbreviations to link the ideas together.

Scott Young is a blogger on learning, productivity and habits. You can check out his website here. If you want to learn more about Holistic Learning, download his free e-book: Holistic Learning: How to StudyBetter, Learn More and Actually “Get” What You Want to Learn

  1. What is holistic learning? ( Sample answer: Holistic learning is the kind learning where where learners make a thorough learning the first time they learn. They tried understand what he learn by using and forming pictures to connect the facts and information together.)List four of the learning habits and explain how they help learners to learn better. (Sample Answer: One of the learning habit is called virceralisation. Learners can benefit when they use feelings, senses, and imaginary to bland ideas and information when they learn something. This helps them remember better and more vividly because information that comes to them in an emotionally aroused state.)


聰明人不僅是學的更好。他們也是學的不同。大部分學生還在熟記內容的時候,聰明的學習者已經知道將內容事實聯繫在一起,拼接成更大的藍圖.我稱這種學習模式為"宏觀的學習方法" 。

宏觀的學習方法的相反的方法是背誦的記憶。 背誦的記憶就是把事實、定義、規則,記在腦子裡,與之不同的是,聰明的學生會將這些內容與事實聯繫起來,然後自己去探索。你的大腦不是硬盤,將所有知識放進單獨的分區。你的大腦應該是互聯網絡,所有的事實之間有相互的鏈接,它們共同描繪了很大的圖片。


宏觀學習不像頭腦風暴(brain storming) 或者頭腦地圖(mind mapping)那樣。它是完全改變對學習的過程和信息的獲取的看法。正因為如此,沒有一個簡單的十步就能掌握它的步驟。


1. Visceralize-你可能已經聽說了visualizing。Visceralizing的意思是將你所有的感官和動作都集中在信息上。研究表明,當我們處在一個很激情的狀態時,往往能夠更生動的記憶這些知識。你的動作、感官、還有想像,都能讓你的頭腦更加靈活。你在學習數數字的時候一定動用過你的手指,那麼在你現在的學習中,你也可以這樣做。

2. 隱喻-宏觀的學習方法的中心思想就是將事物聯繫起來。隱喻的意思就是將兩件普通的事情關聯起來。兩件簡單的事物,通過隱喻,往往能夠找出更多的相似之處。

3. 十歲法則-把你想像成一個十歲的小孩來考慮問題,當然,如果你正在攻讀化學碩士學位,或者正在研究電腦AI,這個規則不一定總是適用的。但是這個習慣就是讓你學會當你的想法還不是足夠好的時候,放下自己的知識,對自己來說,也更加容易理解。

4. 引用-放下你的書本,思路轉到另一個隨便是什麼的事實,然後在這一事實中涉及你書本中的想法或者概念。也就是強制自己聯想,持續這樣做,直到你已經將很多想法聯繫到一起了。要讓古普塔王朝讓你想起古希臘,然後想起蘇格拉底,然後想起孔子...

5. 快速復習-掃描那些筆記本上的內容。請注意那些你既不記得又不是很確定的信息。快速地從那條信息通過viscerlization和隱喻的方法來連接到已掌握的知識,你不需要將這些知識從頭學一遍。
6. 壓縮信息-宏觀學習法不是對所有的知識都有效。一個例子就是我一年級的時候學習解剖。解剖涉及到了數百個關於你身體的名詞。它們經常有著不是很明確的派生關係或者其他聯繫,僅僅就是一些事實的條目。當我們面對這樣的信息的時候,你的目標應該就是壓縮。將信息通過各種方式打成小包,然後放進記憶裡,通過圖片或者其他聯想的方式。

7. 寫下-拿出紙片然後寫下信息之間的聯繫。你一定要意識到問題的關鍵不是寫出來的產物,而是寫作這個過程。你需要把知識和信息聯繫到一塊。

Scott Young是一位在學習關於生產效率和愛好的blogger.你可以點擊這裡查看他的網站.如果你想要學習更多有關"宏觀學習"的知識,可以下載這本電子書:Holistic Learning: How to Study Better, Learn More and Actually “Get” What You Want to Learn.


選擇/ Choices

ppt. 毛敏寫的作文「選擇」

Read the Chiese poem that was granted a perfect score by the College Entrance Examination in China. Then Read the English version translated by Terri and see if you like it.
這是一篇朋友寄給我的高考作文滿分作品-選擇, 有佳詞美句, 內容又很貼近基督的精神.
但願我們, 也能擁有如詩中形容的精神, 因看見真善美的行動所帶來的回報, 選擇作出相應的回應.

是的! 我們的神,耶穌是一位賜信望愛的神, 也是真善美的源頭, 神會使用你我選擇無私的行動, 把祝福和永生賜給我們身邊的人.


If I were a piece of cloud;
I would not stay up high in the sky, and
I would choose to become dew droplets appearing on the field.
You ask me why,
The greenish life you'll see on the field
is my answer.


If I were a flowing river;
I would not flow into the sea, and
I would choose to flow into the wheat field.
You ask me why,
The laughter you'll hear from the farmers
is my answer.


If I were a medicinal mushroom, ling zhi;
I would give up my immortality, and
I would like to be crashed into herbal medicine.
You ask me why,
Cheerful face of the recovered patient
is my answer.


If I were an iron ore;
I would give up my restful life, and
I would feed myself into blast furnaces.
You ask me why
Block of high-rises is my answer.


If I am a white dove;
I would give up my freedom for fun; and
I would choose to carry olive branches to the children at war field.
You ask me why,
The fun children have at the battle field is my answer.


Life is full of choices.
Go to the front, the back, the right, or the left?
If you lost your sense of direction, listen to the voice of the truth, goodness, and beauty,
They will point you to the answer.


Concentration exercises

Did you practise the concentration exercises? I've found the amaaaazing results they have on me. I can now concentrate better and focus on the one-thing-at-a-time task. I used to have problem following prayers in church services without getting distracted by other thoughts. With the training exercises I am trying, I can now really focus on the prayers and sermon. You may also want to start doing the exercises.

Exercise 1
Take a book and count the words in any one paragraph. Count them again to be sure that you have counted them correctly. Start with one paragraph and when it becomes easier, count the words in a whole page. Perform the counting mentally and only with your eyes, without pointing you finger at each word.

Exercise 2
Count backwards in your mind, from one hundred to one.

Exercise 3
Count in your mind from one hundred to one, skipping each three numbers, that is 100, 97, 94, etc.

Exercise 4
Choose an inspiring word, or just a simple sound, and repeat it silently in your mind for five minutes. When your mind can concentrate more easily, try to reach ten minutes of uninterrupted concentration.

Exercise 5
Take a fruit, an apple, orange, banana or any other fruit, and hold it in your hands. Examine the fruit from all its sides, while keeping your whole attention focused on it. Do not let yourself be carried away by irrelevant thoughts or associated thoughts that might arise, such as about the shop were you bought it, about how and where it was grown, its nutritive value, etc. Stay calm, while trying to ignore these thoughts and not be interested in them. Just look at the fruit, focus your attention on it without thinking about anything else, and examine its shape, smell, taste and the sensation it gives when touching and holding it.

Exercise 6
This is the same as exercise number 5, only that this time you visualize the fruit instead of looking at it. Start by looking at the fruit and examining it for about 2 minutes, just as in exercise number 5, and then do this one. Close your eyes, and try to see, smell, taste and touch the fruit in your imagination. Try to see a clear and well defined image. If the image becomes blurred, open your eyes, look at the fruit for a short while, and then close your eyes and continue the exercise. It might help if you imagine the fruit held in your hands, as in the previous exercise, or imagine it standing on a table.

Exercise 7
Take a small simple object such as a spoon, a fork, or a glass. Concentrate on one of these objects. Watch the object from all sides without any verbalization, that is, with no words in your mind. Just watch the object without thinking with words about it.

Exercise 8
After becoming proficient in the above exercises, you can come to this exercise. Draw a small geometrical figure, about three inches in size, such as a triangle, a rectangular or a circle, paint it with any color you wish, and concentrate on it. You should see only the figure, nothing else. Only the figure exists for you now, with no unrelated thoughts or any distractions. Try not to think with words during the exercise. Watch the figure in front of you and that's it. Try not to strain your eyes.

Exercise 9
The same as number 8, only this time visualize the figure with the eyes closed. As before, if you forget how the figure looks like, open your eyes for a few seconds and watch the figure and then close your eyes and continue with the exercise.

Exercise 10
The same as above in number 9 but the eyes open.

Exercise 11
Try for at least five minutes, to stay without thoughts. This exercise is to be attempted only after all the previous ones have been performed successfully. The previous exercises, if practiced correctly, will endow you with the ability to impose silence on your thoughts. In time it will become easier and easier


Stop Procrastination不再拖延

Some say it takes 21 days to change a habit, others say 40 days, 90 days, or even 120 days. Whatever is true, it takes at least 21 days.

Let's keep doing the concentration exercises in our daily lives. Hopefully after three weeks we'll get a control of our mental ability to concentrate, our concentration span will be expanding from 30 minutes to 1, 2, 3 hours.

Now let's move on to dealing with another metal obstacle that may prevent us from doing good, i.e. our act of procrastination.

We say:
  • I'll do it tomorrow!
  • I'm just too tired. I'll get it done sometime tomorrow!
  • I still have plenty of time, I'll leave it until tomorrow!
  • It's too difficult to work on, I'll do it if I have more energy!
We have all kinds of excuses to procrastinate or to avoid getting our work done, even when the work is due the next day. It is quite difficult to break out of it. Yet, the procrastination will bring many bad effects on our job, relationships and mental health. In fact, it is the grave of our opportunity.

So, we must do something to get rid of the bad habit. Right?

I've found the following article with hints and steps to avoid procrastination.

Read, enjoy and take action!


Here are five simple steps to take, to overcome procrastination拖延:

  1. Identify what you procrastinated.
  2. Know why you procrastinated. Ask yourself: Why do I procrastinate? What is the reason I put off something until tomorrow? Why haven’t I taken action?
  3. Become serious. How committed are you to overcoming procrastination? What price are you willing to pay? Your desire determines the degree of victory you have in conquering the challenge. Remember, action is the only cure for procrastination.
  4. Imagine how you will feel after you complete the task. Spend some time thinking about how you will feel after that task is accomplished. This will enhance your motivation to act. For example, suppose you have been procrastinating cleaning the closet. Take a moment and imagine how it would feel if that closet were clean. If you give yourself a little mental思想上的 incentive獎勵, you’ll find yourself motivated to finish the task.
  5. Take Action. Have you ever heard someone say, “Tomorrow I am going to…”? Og Mandino, in his book University of Success, says, “Unfortunately there is no tomorrow. It can only be found in the calendars of fools.” When does tomorrow come? Remember, yesterday is in the tomb and tomorrow is in the womb孕育中; therefore we must live in the present, because when we reach tomorrow it will be called today! Action and procrastination cannot exist together. Either you take action or you procrastinate. Here are some techniques to taking action:
  • Make a decision to live in the present. Think long-term, but take action today.Invest the time to start whatever you postponed. Take five minutes of your day and start.
  • Give yourself a deadline to get it done.
  • Tell someone your goal and ask him or her to hold you accountable to that deadline.
  • Imagine yourself taking action. See yourself doing it.
  • Eliminate the negative self-talk from your mind. Replace those negative thoughts with, “I am a person of action.” “I will do it now.” “I take action immediately.” These thoughts will become reality if you keep them in the center of your attention.
  • Ask someone to take action with you. Get a partner to help you stay on track. Everyone needs support and encouragement.
Extracted from


Effect of Social Networking Sites on the Internet

Nowadays people are spending more and more time on social networking sites, such as facebook, twitter, MSN, and blogs.

According to the Guardian story, Greenfield told the House of Lords that children experience on social networking sites are devoid缺乏of ‘cohesive narrative聯貫式述事能力 and long-term significance長遠洞悉力,’ leading引致 to degeneration退化of attention span專注力指標, lost empathy失去同理心, undermining逐漸損害of identity個性, sensationalism追求官能主義, and even infantilization幼稚化.

There are a lot research looking into the effects that have on our generation. Follow the link. Watch the video and see if you can write an article, expressing your viewpoints on it.




It's awesome...

Wisdom is presented metaphorically 以隱喻方式 in the article as a guide, protector, and friend.

He can lead, keep, and talk with us.

Are you also a wisdom to others?

Can you remember the game of concentration training?
Let's bring concentration (a total awareness醒覺) to our daily life,
use every possible opportunity to practice your concentration.
So....try not to get distracted, train your mind to really focus on the thing you're about to do....

Sit still... Get ready... You will get the real implication含意 of wisdom with concentration! Read and enjoy!


Proverbs 6:22
When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. 22 你 行 走 , 他 必 引 導 你 ; 你 躺 臥 , 他 必 保 守 你 ; 你 睡 醒 , 他 必 與 你 談 論 。

Wisdom is a most valuable guide, protector, and friend, both day and night! Reader, have you bound it on your heart and tied it about your neck 繫 在 你 心 上 , 掛 在 你 項 上 。(6:21)? As you proceed through life, wisdom will direct your choices. As you sleep in your bed, wisdom will comfort your soul, keep your thoughts right, and protect you from evil spirits. When you begin each day, wisdom will be your friend and counselor in facing the day’s events.

The singular pronoun “it” refers to the law of God as taught by godly parents (6:20-21). If parents train and teach their children correctly, the father’s commandment and the mother’s law, though plural nouns from two different parties, is one body of wisdom and truth – the law of God. Because it is the nurture培育 and admonition勸告 of the Lord – the singular doctrine教義 of God (Deut 12:32; Josh 1:7-9; Eph 6:4)! Parents, unite today on God’s word!

Can wisdom lead you, as you go through life? Yes! Indeed! Wisdom is the power of right judgment – the ability to discern 分辨 a situation and know what to do. Life has many choices and decisions, many of which have serious consequences and are presented deceitfully偽裝by the world. You cannot even trust your own heart (Jer 17:9). When you are ready to turn out of the way, wisdom will say, “This is the way, walk ye in it” (Is 30:21). Wisdom will guide you in making these decisions that destroy many (4:5-9; 8:1-21; 22:3; Eccl 10:10)!

Can wisdom keep you, when you sleep at night? Yes! Indeed! Wisdom will deliver you from fear and guilt to sleep peacefully (3:24; Ps 41:1-4). Wisdom can teach you in the night (Job 33:14-18; Ps 63:6). Wisdom will keep you from遠離 earning God’s chastening 懲罰or fainting under it (3:11-12; Ps 32:1-5). Wisdom will protect you from the fears that plague 折磨others (Ps 34:7; Is 26:3-4). Wisdom will keep you from overworking and worrying about things that God will do for you (Ps 127:1-2; Phil 4:6-7). Lay hold of wisdom today!

Can wisdom talk with you, when you awake? Yes! Indeed! Wisdom is the knowledge of God and His will for your life. When you awake to the challenges, opportunities, and fears of a day, you will have a gentle companion to reassure you and direct you. Instead of being intimidated受到恐嚇 and overwhelmed壓倒, you can be courageous and excited. Instead of being hopeless as others, you can rejoice in the future! Wisdom will give you confidence and strength to live joyfully and victoriously (14:26; 21:22; 28:1; Ps 104:34; Rom 15:13).

Get wisdom! Where? It is freely offered in the fear of the Lord and the Bible (9:10; Ps 19:7). Parents, teach it to your children. Children, learn it from your parents. Parents and children, love the preaching of it (Jer 3:15; Mal 2:7; Acts 10:33; Col 1:28; I Thess 5:20).

Extracted from


Power of Concentration專注力‏

The key to successful work roots in the enhancement 加強 of the concentration power.
Our children's restlessness坐立不安 in their studies is mainly due to a lack of training on concentration power.

So, whaaat? 教自己腦聽話/做事情? Self Control?

Now let's try the little trick. Just focus on reading the article to follow. Focus your eyes and mind on the words, and not to think of anything disconnected with the message or the article. Ignore outside noises and any irrelevant thoughts.

Get reaaady! Reeead and enjooooy!


The Power of Concentration -
By Remez Sasson

When I was a child, I saw how a magnifying glass could burn a piece of paper, when the rays of the sun were focused through it. The fire could start only when the sun's rays were concentrated to a small point. When the magnifying glass was moved too far away or too close to the paper, the rays were not focused enough and nothing happened. This experience describes vividly the power of concentration.

This power can be described as focused attention. It is the ability to direct the attention to one single thought or subject, to the exclusion of everything else.

When our mind is focused, our energies are not dissipated不閒遊 on irrelevant activities or thoughts. This is why developing concentration is essential to anyone who aspires to take charge of his or her life. This skill is essential for every kind of success. Without it, our efforts力量 get scattered分散, but with it, we can accomplish完成 great things.

Concentration has many uses and benefits. It assists in studying and understanding faster, improves the memory, and helps in focusing on any task, job, activity or goal, and achieving it more easily and efficiently. It is also required for developing psychic心靈 powers, and is a powerful tool for the efficient use of creative visualization.

When this ability is developed, the mind obeys us more readily and does not engage in futile, negative thoughts or worries. We gain mental mastery and we experience true peace of mind.

This ability also plays an important role in meditation. Without it, the mind just jumps restlessly from one thought to another, not allowing us to meditate properly.

Do you now realize, why it is very important and worthwhile to develop and improve the ability to concentrate?

To develop this power you need to train and exercise it. Forget all your excuses about not having the time or being too busy. Do not say that the circumstances are not appropriate or that you cannot find a quiet place to exercise. With a little planning, desire and motivation you can always find the time to exercise each day, no matter how busy you are.

The Restless Mind
Thoughts claim our attention incessantly, and waste our time and energy on unimportant and useless matters. They actually rule our life. We have become so used to this slavery, that we take it for granted, and have become unconscious of this habit, except on certain occasions.

It is the same with thinking. We become conscious of the constant onslaught of our thoughts, and of our inability to calm them down, only when we need to concentrate, solve a problem or study. We are also acutely aware of them when we have worries or fears.

Look at the following familiar situation. You need to study something for your job or for an exam. You sit comfortably on the sofa with the book in your hands and start reading. After a while you feel hungry and go to the kitchen to eat something.

You return to read, and then hear people talking outside. You listen to them for several moments and then bring your attention back to the book.

After a while you feel restless and switch on the radio to listen to some music. You continue to read for a little while, and then remember something that happened yesterday, and you start thinking about it.

When you look at your watch, you are amazed to find out that one complete hour has passed and you have hardly read anything.

This is what happens when one lacks concentration. Imagine what you could have accomplished, if you could control your attention and focus your mind!

Work that requires physical strength, such as carrying heavy loads for example, develops physical strength. Yet, it is not as exercising daily to the gym in a systematic manner. It is the same with concentration. Reading, studying and trying to pay attention to what we do, develop some of this ability, but practicing exercises diligently each day is something else, it is like training in a gym.

Inner resistance to developing concentration (Why do children reject the concentration work?)

Parents and teachers expect children to study, do their homework and get good grades. This brings up in the children a feeling of being coerced 迫使 and forced to do something they don't like doing. When they are too often told that they are not concentrating good enough, they develop a loathing反感 for concentration, and often for studying too. These become associated with coercion, lack of freedom, doing something they do not like to do, and which is against their will. When they grow up, it is no wonder that their powers of concentration are weak, and they have no desire to strain their minds.

Though most people acknowledge the fact that good concentration is a great asset, yet most of them do nothing to strengthen it, mostly because they don't know how. Reading and thinking about its benefits, and about the reasons why it should be cultivated, can help to change the attitude toward it.

Concentration can be fun if approached in the right way. It should be practiced with joy, fun, optimism樂觀心態, and understanding of its great possibilities. It has to be approached in a positive manner and then success dawns.

The benefits of developing concentration
Here is the list that you can gain by developing this power:

  • Control of your thoughts.
  • The ability to focus your mind.
  • Peace of mind.
  • Freedom from futile and annoying thoughts.
  • The ability to choose your thoughts.
  • Better memory.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Inner strength.
  • Will power.
  • Decisiveness.
  • The ability to study and comprehend more quickly.
  • Inner happiness.
  • Enhanced capability to develop psychic abilities.
  • More powerful and efficient use of creative visualization.
  • Enhanced ability to meditate.
  • And much more...

Sometimes you can find strong powers of concentration in yourself. When you really and earnestly want to excel in your studies, pass an important exam or solve a problem, this power becomes available to you. In such cases, it appears because of some need or desire, but developing it in a systematic way brings it under your control, and grants you the ability to use it intentionally, whenever you need it. To do so, you need to practice special exercises on a daily basis.

Seems too good to be true? Develop the power of concentration and find out for yourself!

Here are a few suggestions for developing and strengthening the power of attention.

  • When reading a book, focus your eyes and mind on the words, and do not to think of anything not connected with what you are reading. Ignore outside noises and any irrelevant thoughts.
  • Dress up, and at the same time put your whole attention on your movements.
    While having a shower, pay attention to every part of the body that you are soaping and washing.
  • When you clean the house, mow the grass or cook, concentrate on each act and movement, without daydreaming or thinking about something else.
  • While working, focus your mind on what you are doing, as if it is the only important thing in the world, even if you do not like your job.
  • While working up, walking or engaging in any kind of physical activity, don't daydream or think on whatever enters your mind. Instead, focus your attention on what you are doing.
  • While conversing, listen attentively to what people are saying.
  • While eating, focus your mind or your food and on enjoying it.
  • Always do one thing at a time.

    Extracted from the link:


Letter Writing Practice

Write a letter to your friend in Australia. Tell him what you know and feel about the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of China.
You may want to read a sample task below before you write.

Dear John,

Have you watched the TV progromme on the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of China? I think it is a great show. It showcases China in terms of her military capabilities, the rule of communist party, and the social and economic development and progress of China.

As for the aspect of military achievements, I was impressed by the well-performed marching of the troops, they were totally robotic. I like their uniforms and the way they marched. The large number of fighter jets flying over the city is also impressive. The display of the high-tech weaponry, such as ballistic missiles clearly indicates China’s military capability.

As for the successful rule of the communist party, president Hu Jintao reported the successful work of the communist party. He made us feel proud of China because of the achievement brought by the socialism and Marxism.

As for the social and economic development and progress of China, the parade showcased some of the social and economic accomplishments China made in the past 60 years through the reform and opening-up policy.

I hope you've seen the programme. If not, you must try to see the related programme if you can. You will be impressed, too.



Reading Comprehension

Read the news article entitled, "China Celebrates 60 Years of Achievement Under Communist Rule" extracted from the link:
and "China Loud and Proud" from the link:

China has showcased its military capabilities, as well as its economic and social progress, in a huge parade to mark the 60th anniversary of the Communist state.

A troop of young women sang "Happy Birthday" to their homeland, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the day Chairman Mao Zedong declared the founding of modern China from Tiananmen Gate.

China's current leader, Hu Jintao, wore what has come to be called a Mao suit. His colleagues, and past leaders, all dressed in Western suits.

President Hu stood in an open-topped Red Flag limousine to review the troops. Then, he stood in the same place as Mao on the Tiananmen Gate, to pay tribute to all the achievements that brought China to where it is today.

Mr. Hu says "long live the great People's Republic of China, the great Chinese Communist Party and the great Chinese people.

"He also adds that China will maintain a policy of peace and develop friendly cooperation with all nations.

His words were meant to allay any fears conjured up by Thursday's hour-long show of China's military strength. After Mr. Hu's speech, thousands of soldiers marched past - many of them escorting military hardware.

The highlights were several new missiles, including a ballistic missile that can carry a nuclear warhead and another one that has been nicknamed the "aircraft carrier killer." China also showcased new mobile radar units, unmanned drones and helicopters - equipment state-run TV announcers said would be useful for the "new information-based environment.

"Floats celebrating developments in areas such as agriculture, industry and science followed the military procession. Each of China's provinces, autonomous regions and special administrative regions contributed a float. There was even a float to represent Taiwan, a separately governed island that China claims as its territory.

Tens of thousands of people, waving brightly colored fans or flowers, surrounded the floats or marched on their own. Performers wearing ethnic costumes danced and sang to show harmony. Thousands of children came at the end of the parade, to represent hopes for China's future.

Bride and groom on China's 60th Anniversary, 1 Oct 2009Across Beijing, residents tried to carry on with their lives, despite the parade's extensive disruptions to traffic. Twenty-two year-old groom Shen Wei said it is more joyful to have his wedding on this day.Shen says he and his bride, Tan Yue, especially picked the date because it is China's National Day.

Official media say there are tens of thousands of couples around the country who are taking advantage of the auspicious date to get married.

And for all Thursday's celebrations - big and small - the skies in Beijing were clear and blue, a striking departure from the heavy fog of a day earlier.

China loud and proud
Friday, October 02, 2009

China has celebrated 60 years of communist rule with a massive military parade and elaborate pageantry on Beijing's Tiananmen Square showcasing the nation's revival as a global power.
Thousands of troops marched in tight formations, fighter jets flew over the city and the world's largest military displayed an array of high-tech weaponry including intercontinental ballistic missiles in a patriotic show of force.

President Hu Jintao extolled the country's Communist Party-led rebirth in a speech to the invitation-only crowd from Tiananmen gate, where Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic on October 1, 1949.

"The development and progress of the new China over the past 60 years fully proved that only socialism can save China, and only reform and opening up can ensure the development of China, socialism and Marxism," Hu told the crowd.

The nation typically holds grand celebrations every 10 years to commemorate Mao's pronouncement, but authorities promised that this year's festivities would top those in the past - and outdo last year's Olympic opening ceremony.

The government wants to send a clear message: that China, the world's third- largest economy and with a population of 1.3 billion, has re-emerged as a proud and undeniable global force. Hu, in a high-collared Mao-style tunic, underlined this confidence in his speech before a packed square festooned in the nation's red and yellow. "Today a socialist China that faces the future is standing
tall and firm in the East."

An estimated 200,000 people took part in the lavish morning festivities, which unfolded under clear blue skies.

Flexing its growing muscle, Beijing paraded long-range nuclear missiles capable of striking the heart of the United States and other homegrown weaponry signaling that a nation once bullied by foreign powers is a pushover no more.

The military show was followed by a colorful parade, with tens of thousands marching and singing in unison in a testament to China's ability to harness its vast manpower on a massive scale.

Besides goose-stepping troops, squads of pink-clad women "volunteers" dubbed the "iron roses" marched in go- go boots, while thousands of other participants danced around waving flowing fans, pompoms and bouquets of flowers.

National sports heroes such as hurdler Liu Xiang and former Olympic gymnastics champion Li Ning rode on one of a series of brightly decorated floats lauding the country's achievements over six decades.

Giant portraits of leaders from Mao to Hu were paraded past the square, which was filled with 80,000 children flipping hand-held cards spelling out messages such as "Socialism is Good" and "Long Live China."

Despite the burst of pride, official insecurity has also been on clear display - authorities have imposed draconian security in a bid to prevent an array of perceived threats from spoiling the party. As a result, most of Beijing's 17 million citizens were relegated to watching the pageant in their hometown on television like the rest of China.

The show ended around midday but authorities kept central Beijing shut down ahead of another mass performance at the square last night punctuated by what state media said was the world's biggest fireworks display.

The Mao-led 1949 communist takeover ended years of foreign domination and war, while three decades of economic reforms initiated by late leader Deng Xiaoping enriched China and propelled it back into the ranks of world powers.


Pronoun Task 6

Am, is, are