
A Yes-Mom Girl

Write a short story with the title, "A Yes-Mom Girl" using the idea of the cartoon below:
Extracted from Youth Post http://www.yp.scmp.com/
5 Stars Writing



Finding A Way

Thank to Sam Liu who showed me his version of Finding the Way.
I try to change it a bit. Here comes my version of " Finding A Way"

Finding A Way

Find a way to the right way.
I love studying English because it's fun.
Nod my head to say I understand.
Deal with grammar patiently.
I'm interested in writing to express my ideas.
Never give up in tough time.
God wants me to grow.

Always make study exciting.

Wonderful experience I'll have.
Act in the right way.
Yahoo! I like learning English.



Dear students

Welcome to my blog. Please bookmark or remember the URL of the blog. It's easy http://terriwelcomeyou.blogspot.com/ . You will also build your own blog using the same naming pattern. You will then publish your writing as far as you can. I'm sure this will help improve your writing.

Can you remember the poem, "Phonics Poem"?

I like phonics.
I like learning phonics.
Phonics helps me speak.
Phonics helps me spell.
Phonics helps me read.
Phonics helps me write.

It's great.
I'll a good reader.
I'll a great writer.

Most importantly,
I enjoy learning English.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Pronoun Task 6

Am, is, are