A - 6
- Fully meet the task requirements,
- Totally relevant,
- Ideas excellently developed,
Language & Usage
- Excellent sentences,
- Grammar totally accurate,
- Extremely wide vocabulary range,
- Excellent organization,
- Excellent cohesion,
- Excellent idea link,
Genre & Style
- Excellent style,
- Highly well achieved aim,
- Highly sensitive to reader’s needs.
B – 5
- Highly meet the task requirements,
- Highly relevant content,
- Ideas very well developed,
- Very well written sentences,
- Highly accurate grammar,
- Very wide range of vocabulary,
- Very good organization,
- Very good cohesion,
- Very good idea link,
- Very good style,
- Very well achieved aim,
- Highly sensitive to reader’s needs.
C - 4
- Meet the task requirements,
- Relevant content,
- Ideas well developed,
- Good sentences,
- Accurate grammar,
- Wide range of vocabulary,
- Good organization,
- Good cohesion,
- Good idea link,
- Good style,
- Well achieved aim,
- Sensitive to reader’s needs.
D - 3
- Generally meet the task requirements,
- Generally relevant content,
- Ideas generally developed,
- Generally appropriate sentences,
- Grammar generally accurate,
- Limited range of vocabulary,
- Generally good organization,
- Generally good cohesion,
- Generally good idea link,
- Generally good style,
- Generally well achieved aim,
- Generally sensitive to reader’s needs.
E - 2
- Rarely meet the task requirements,
- Rarely relevant content,
- Ideas not developed,
- Poor sentences,
- Grammar inaccurate,
- Weak vocabulary,
- Poor organization,
- Poor cohesion,
- Poor idea link,
- Poor style,
- Poorly achieved aim,
- Not sensitive to reader’s needs.
F - 1
- Failed to meet the task requirements,
- Not relevant content,
- Ideas not developed at all,
- Very poor sentences,
- Grammar inaccurate,
- Very weak vocabulary,
- Very Poor organization,
- Very Poor cohesion,
- Very poor idea link,
- Very poor style,
- Very poorly achieved aim,
- Not at all sensitive to reader’s needs.
U - 0
- Totally inadequate content,
- Totally poor language,
- Totally failed organisation,
- Totally poor style.
- Not at all achieved aim
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