
Whole Brain Teaching 左右腦學習法

I've found the following website really helpful to teachers who experience difficulties dealing with classroom management 課堂管理and effective teaching有效學習.

In general, whole-brain teaching is defined as an instructional approach教學法 derived from neuro-linguistic大腦和語言 descriptions of the functions of the brain’s left and right hemispheres左右腦並用.

The Whole Brain Teaching is defined by the website as a method that integrates an effective classroom management system with learning approaches that tap the way human brain learns best. They claim that the approach is amazingly effective, and fun for both you the teacher, and the students.

Read and follow the link. I promise you'll find some useful ideas and information regarding learning and teaching.


Whole Brain Teachers of America is one of the fastest growing education reform movements in the United States美國教育改革運動.

It is a grass roots, education reform movement begun in 1999 by three Yucaipa, California teachers: Chris Biffle (college), Jay Vanderfin (elementary school) and Chris Rekstad (elementary school). Since then they have been joined by a dedicated group of K-12 educators who form our Board of Directors.

In the last 10 years they have given seminars講座 to over 6,000 educators representing over 300,000 students. Though they are centered in Southern California, they've been contacted by teachers from across the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. Typically, their free seminars, offered three times a year at Crafton Hills College, attract over 400 instructors. Their websites receive over 2,000 hits per day. Whole Brain Teaching is one of the fastest growing, education reform movements in America.

Whole Brain Teaching rests upon the principle that teachers at every level share the same difficulties: students lack缺乏 discipline紀律, background knowledge知識 and fundamental problem solving skills解決問題技巧. From kindergarten to college, teachers face students who have difficulty with reading and writing. Nonetheless, students respond to challenges挑戰, enjoy well-designed learning games, and can make, in the proper setting, astonishing educational progress學習上有驚喜進步.

Their goal is to create peaceful classrooms full of orderly fun有秩序且有趣味課堂. Thousands of teachers believe they're on the right track.

At the root of Whole Brain Teaching is a large amount of highly structured, educational tomfoolery有教育意義但看似無聊之事. Students learn the most when they are having fun. Whole Brain Teaching classrooms are full of task-focused laughter. Humor幽默 and games are used to increase the number of times students repeat core information重要的資料 and practice basic skills. Their classes are highly disciplined and tightly organized because students have more fun following our rules, than ignoring them.

All of their seminars and downloads are free. Whole Brain Teaching is a movement, not a business.

To see Whole Brain Teaching in action, click on the button to the right, Whole Brain Teaching; access their free downloads by logging in or registering. If you provide them your email address when registering, they'll send you ongoing announcements about their free seminars and online materials.

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Pronoun Task 6

Am, is, are